Bult for Life

Better Than Yesterday with Todd Dengler

Episode Summary

If you have chronic pain that stems from minor or major injuries, Todd's story should sound familiar. He is a website designer and marketing consultant that found creative and fulfilling ways to recover from a weightlifting injury.

Episode Notes

There are so many great takeaways from our conversation with Todd. One of them being a mantra that he saw posted at a gym that he visited, "better than yesterday." In its simplest form, that is what we wish for on the Bult for Life podcast. 

He also mentions using past accomplishments, whether big or small, to remind yourself of your potential during times of doubt. 

Another great point that Todd made, was to remind yourself that through adversity, mistakes, and accidents, we all have things to learn and to gain. it's not enough to simply learn these lessons, but to remember that you've learned them already when you faced similar challenges in the future.